Sunday, September 3, 2017

Long Path Here We Come!

In less than 24 hours we will be hitting the Long Path! It has been a busy week of working, packing, buying last minute gear items such as gloves and a silk liner for our sleeping bags, filling grocery carts with dehydrated dinners and instant coffees for our multiple mail drops, studying maps late at night, and getting all in order to step away from our daily lives for 5 weeks. The process does seem to get more challenging the older I get and Scott keeps remarking on when he went on his last walk-about he brought only a shoulder bag and some dried fruit and nuts. I, being a planner, have made certain that we have an itinerary, marking down our expected miles for each day including where we will camp and resupply. Scott being the hiker who often forges his own trail and takes time to sit on a rock in meditation will make sure that we take our time to smell the roses and take in as much as we can while out there passing the blazes. This 400 mile trek through upstate New York is certain to be one filled with botanical beauty and rocky trails, breath-taking vistas and slip-sliding mud, crisp clear nights under the stars and nights hunkering down in our tent amidst the pounding rain....but this is a long distance hike...raw and real and full of highs with a dappling of lows as well. But just like in our daily lives...we will keep hiking on. Bring it Long Path...we are ready!

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